Health & safety policy
The Directors of JB Kind regard the promotion of Health & Safety measures and of appropriate programmes to maintain a healthy environment as a mutual objective for management and employees at all levels.
It is, therefore, JB Kind’s policy to review costs as appropriate, to do all that is reasonable to prevent personal injury and damage to property and to protect staff and the general public from foreseeable work hazards including environmental nuisances. In particular, JB Kind has a responsibility:
- To provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions for all of its employees.
- To provide the necessary training and instruction to enable employees to perform their work safely and efficiently.
- To make available all necessary safety devices and protective equipment to enable safe working activities to be undertaken.
- To maintain a constant and continuing interest in Health & Safety matters applicable to JB Kind’s activities, in particular by consulting and involving employees or their representatives wherever possible.
The co-operation of all employees is essential to enable JB Kind to fulfil its legal obligations and responsibilities.
The implementation of this policy is the responsibility of Directors and Managers. It is JB Kind’s continuing aim to promote and maintain a high standard of safety to minimise personal injuries and to safeguard the Health & Safety of their employees and the public. An annual safety review will monitor the effectiveness of the Company policy to ensure that the general procedures and policies herein are implemented and maintained.
The responsibility for implementing this policy lies with individual Directors and management. They are responsible for ensuring compliance with the policy in their own area of control.