Door firm staff to put their best feet forward for charity
We’re pleased to announce that the JB Kind Doors team will be embarking on a charity trek in September, and it’s all for a great cause – Dementia UK!
Dubbed the OutDOOR Walkathon, the fundraising challenge will see a team of 25 walk from our head office in Swadlincote all the way to the UK mainland’s most northerly tip: John O’Groats … virtually. The virtual walkathon of 557 miles will take place over the course of seven days between September 6-12.
We’re aiming to raise £1500 for our current chosen charity, Dementia UK. Donations are being welcomed from staff members’ personal fundraising as well as corporate partner donations.
Just Giving – JB Kind Doors OutDOOR Walkathon
Dementia UK is the only charity dedicated to supporting people with dementia and their families through their dementia specialist Admiral Nurses. When things get challenging or difficult for people with dementia and their families, Admiral Nurses work alongside them; giving compassionate one-to-one support, expert guidance and practical solutions which can be hard to find elsewhere.
Managing director James Cadman said: “Dementia UK is a charity very close to our hearts here at JB Kind and we are delighted to offer our support to this very worthy cause.
“We believe that it is very important for companies to give back to the communities they serve. Charitable fundraising is key to the ethos of our business, and it is particularly important for companies to support charities at this time when so many have been hard hit by Covid-19 and the limit it has placed on fundraising.
“This challenge will have another benefit too. To our staff taking part, we hope there will be considerable wellness benefits in terms of additional fresh air and exercise in what has been a tough period of time for everyone. Getting outside has helped many of us keep going so this is the perfect fundraiser in these times when lots of us are enjoying our beautiful British countryside.”
JB Kind takes on a company charity every two years but in 2021 it is extending its support for Dementia UK for a further year, after the pandemic meant the cancellation of its planned events in 2020.
The John O’Groats walking challenge is being conducted on an app called “My Virtual Mission” and participants will be completing their walking contributions independently.
Each person completing just over 20 miles each would cover the whole distance, but the company is encouraging participants to push themselves to their own personal limits.
James said: “Even though our employees will not be able to walk together as a team, they will be able to share their successes, including photos, through the app. This should help keep them going to complete their mission!”
Through its support for Dementia UK, JB Kind is aiming to help the charity build up their number of Admiral Nurses. Derbyshire currently has one Admiral Nurse based at the University of Derby and Burton.
Anna McNee, Central England Regional Fundraiser for Dementia UK, said: “We know that dementia support is needed more than ever. We are so grateful to JB Kind Doors for all their fundraising and for choosing to support us again this year – their efforts will help our dementia specialist nurses be there for more families. I wish all the staff taking part in the Virtual Walkathon Challenge the best of luck!”